ONW Women's Soccer Booster Club Board
President - Mike
Vice President
- Heather Bailey
Treasurer - Katherine
Fundraising -
Penny Kirk and Laura Landis
Senior Night
Coordinators - Debbie Hill and Kim Proctor
Team Dinner Coordinators
- Freshmen -TBD; Sophomores - Camilla Ireton; Juniors - Laura Landis; Seniors - Angie Kallopek
Away Game Meals
Coordinator - Karen High
Cookie Dough
Delivery - Katherine Opie and Barb Mochal
Social Committee
- Deborah Brouwer and Diane Doran
Photography -
Kim Proctor, Karen High, Cody Parker (Michelle and Rick's son)
Secretary - Debbie
Hill and Michelle Parker
Spirit Wear -
Kim Proctor
C Team Lead -
To be named after C Team is selected
Concessions Coordinator
- Tia Rutledge
Senior Posters
- Scott Moline